8 October 2020, CAPE TOWN
Leading Pan African government affairs firm, ETHICORE Political Lobbying has won the “Political Influencer Brand” at the 2020 Africa Brand Summit.
ETHICORE is the first government affairs firm on the African continent to be conferred an African Brand Summit award and is the first recipient of the “Political Influencer Brand” accolade.
The award was accepted by ETHICORE CEO, Abdul Waheed Patel at a ceremony held in Cape Town on 7 October 2020, following a rigorous and independent evaluation process by a panel of judges.
“Winning the Africa Brand Summit Political Influencer 2020 award is an immensely humbling and proud achievement for our firm. It recognises the high degree of responsibility we are entrusted with by our clients and strategic partners, to leverage our professional experience and expertise, to ethically advocate for sound policy relevant solutions to public interest issues of national and continental importance” – said Patel.
The award affirms ETHICORE’s tenacity and diligence in positively promoting Pan African values in global conduct, ethical leadership and attracting positive interest in Africa through the provision of African originated professional services. This includes ETHICORE’s African Government Affairs Exchange (Africa GX: https://africagx.com/) launched in May 2020, as the only multi-country African government affairs alliance of its kind, specialising in public policy, legislative, regulatory, government relations and public affairs for clientele in Africa.
This year, the firm marks its 10th anniversary and this award provides continued impetus to strive for excellence.
Commenting on the firm’s journey, Patel added:
“We have a clear vision and strategic purpose. We aspire to be the leading Pan African government affairs firm in the world. Utilizing our expertise and experience, we strive to do good. We help our clients achieve their goals through constructive and evidence-based advocacy and government relations solutions. This enables quality decision-making and impactful policy implementation by African governments, policymakers, legislators and regulators at all levels, tangibly affecting various sectors of society, national and regional development in Africa.”